The Message

Friday, September 11, 2009

Run On

It really is amazing how many things you can do when you give effort. I never imagined that I would become a runner! I didn't even think that should I be chased by someone trying to harm me, that I would be able to get away. I began by looking at the questions that I posted earlier, and the goals I set for myself. Was I happy with who I was, and was I doing my part to make my life better. I haven't always struggled with weight. I used to be quite an athlete believe it or not. It wasn't until I settled into my job, bought a house, and landed a somewhat stable relationship did I begin to lose the active lifestyle that I once lead. I was officially fat and happy. The job and the house stayed, the relationship fizzled out and I was left with the spare tire that I could not get rid of in the divorce. I started in a new relationship later with someone who loved me just the way I was..."my charming personality" and did not do much changing, I was comfortable with myself, my beliefs, my creativity was sparked, I was becoming more alive and thriving internally....externally there was not much change. Eventually, I discovered that I was truly unhappy with what I had physically done to myself, and became ashamed and self-conscious. So, all this growing that I had done on the inside, and the confidence I gained was overshadowed by my feelings self loathing about my body. I searched high and low for the magic pill I had read about in backs of magazines, I attempted to pray it away...."Lord, I could be such a great person if you'll help me I'll never eat a Big Mac again." I tried wishing it away, bought a gym membership, ordered food systems, joined every online weight loss program that you could think of. Nothing, absolutely nothing came, but futile efforts. I read my own blog, and inspired myself, I want to live an incredible life, I want to be around, I want to be one of those people that leads and active lifestyle. At the same time I wanted to be of service to others, to use my life to help others. I had been talking with my neighbor of several ways to do this and she invited me to volunteer with her church at a local organization. I began thinking of other ways and decided that I would try to run the Komen 5k in October, to help in the raising of funds for the research of breast cancer. I looked up the couch to 5k program, began training and signed up for the race to ensure my accountability. I am progressing incredibly, and found that running gives me such an amazing feeling. I break barriers every time I lace up my shoes. I am continually surprising myself. I have already looked for other charity runs to participate in in the near future. You see, my prayers didn't go unheard, it wasn't in my time, I had to be patient and use the strength that I have been given in every step I take to help others in the process. I have finally begun to see the scale budge a little, and to me now that is simply the icing on the cake, as I feel better about who I am becoming and what I am doing. I am doing my part.....I have begun to change merely by putting my faith in the Lord and putting one foot in front of the other! RUN ON!!!
Much love and many blessings
"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

Friday, July 31, 2009


I really have to make a conscious effort to come back and update. However when I do, I feel great afterwards.It is holding myself accountable to the promises I made to myself. I was talking with a dear friend the other night about life in general, ramblings over a few beers if you may. I have discovered that throughout our lives we are always "remodeling" ourselves, similar to what we do with our homes. We buy that great piece of furniture we wanted, then decide it doesn't fit in the space like you thought, or the color isn't right in a certain light. Sometimes, you have a great fit with the things you have, you just need to spruce up a little! Really, that is life and all the stuff that we bring in and out! I think ultimately though, it is almost necessary to "remodel." We should strive to make ourselves better, to be better people in this world and build others up! Hey, if you need help moving stuff in during your remodel, moving a couch or whatever(analogy y'all) I would love to do that! I got a tattoo last summer in New York...great trip by the way! It is a Chinese symbol for "begin"..when I got it, and people asked me what it was I simply replied that it meant"Begin...for begin to live the life you dream of." That does still hold true but after time ,it started to mean so much order to make change , you must first BEGIN! Just starting, letting go of your fears or doubts, putting that one foot in front of the other.BEGIN to live! Have a beautiful amazing weekend!

Much Love,


Sunday, July 19, 2009

#34 Goal met 6/09 Write a letter to someone you admire

I thought carefully of who would be the recipient of my letter, and without any hesitation I decided upon my high school tennis coach. Immediately as I gently placed the pen on the pristine paper the words began to flow with ease. They came from my heart and not my brain, I guess that prompted the ease of it all. You see this all started way before high school, and greatly impacted my life. I was about seven or eight years old, and often had to wait in the 1966 Mustang until my mother was out of work. I quickly finished my homework, sat in the driver's seat and imagined driving to far away places and meeting the most fascinating of people. I quickly grew bored and began to explore around the area. The tennis courts were close by and I ventured in that direction. I hid under the bleachers and watched day after day. Finally, the coach asked me if I wanted to give it a try, I shyly wandered out and explained that I did not have a racket. He was quick to give me a large smile and hand me his. The high school kids let me play with them and of course to do so I picked up balls ,but I did not mind, I was hooked. I looked up to those kids and wanted to be just like them, well actually I wanted to be better. The coach spent many hours teaching me the skills, and telling me about his life. Eventually, my sisters made it out there, and it became a family thing. My parents could see that we were pretty good and began to take us to tournaments. The coach still spent many hours with us all, and with each child in our family he gave great care and encouragement. We went on to play college tennis, our tuition paid for, which definitely made life easier on our parents. Because this man took the time to talk to a shy little girl, because he believed in her, and gave of his time, I feel that I am who I am today because of it. My family was a cohesive unit because of tennis, and I learned to be a better teacher because of him. Thank you and much love to you Bill!

Diary of a Slacker!

Happy Sunday everyone! I am updating a little of life's happenings, and I realize wow time flies by before you know it! Everyday life gets in the way and we forget the promises that we made to ourselves, promises of fulfilled living! Well I have completed a few of the goals in the last few months, but I know I can do more! Life really is short, and I really want to enjoy it, to live it to savor every moment! So if there are any friends of mine out there wanting to join me in any of my activities, give me a holla! Especially if it is about helping someone out...after all giving, laughing, and loving is what life is all about! Much love and many blessings!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

#25 Participate in another art show- Completed 2/7/09

I was blessed to have the opportunity to get involved with the Alley's house art auction this year. I am pretty much a procrastinator, and waited till the last minute, but with the help of my friend Joey I made it in! I donated a piece of art to be auctioned, and had two others showing. I was pleasantly surprised to get such a great response from my work!!! Thanks to Allison Whitehead (a super duper lady!) for being such a positive role model, and a passionate believer in this organization!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


#10: Take a photography class~ I have been saying for years, at least three, that I was going to take a photography class. Well, I never did. Next semester turned into three years later. Tonight was my first class. Of course I had big dreams of winning the lottery, and attending art school to pursue this burning passion that I have for photography. I decided that although I haven't given up on those magic numbers coming up on my "golden ticket," I should start paving my road to success with the resources that are available to me right now! I absolutely loved every second of those first three hours! I hung on every word he said, and left nothing amiss in my notebook! I left with a smile, and a great feeling of hope that I can create my destiny!
~Viva la Vida!

The Project:

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
1. Who do I love, and what am I doing about it?
2. Am I pursuing my dream, or is fear stopping me?
3. Am I doing something that matters?
4. What am I doing to help others?
5. Am I as good a person as I want to be?
6.What am I doing to live life with passion, health and energy?

I think we all have! This project is not my original idea, but is has inspired me to really take this one life that I am given, and live it with passion and without regrets! I think that we often let the process of life get in the way of actually living, and before we know it, there is no tomorrow to fulfill the dreams that burned ferverently in our hearts at one time. In the last year and a half or so, I finally began to live the life that I have been dreaming of. By that, I mean that I started doing things, experiencing life in a such a way that it created a hunger for more. So here I am, at the beginning of this journey, ready and excited to document all the joys and tribulations that may come my way in achieving these goals!
~Viva laVida!

The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
